Saturday, December 4, 2010

Transcending Bizarre? - The Serpent's Manifolds (2008)

Transcending Bizarre? are a Symphonic Black Metal band from Greece. The band actually calls themselves a Post Modern Symphonic Black Metal which I think is very right genre title. They have released three LP albums and this is the second. They actually just released their latest album about two weeks ago.

This album is fuckin' amazing! Generally I don't like Symphonic Black Metal that much but this is so incredibly original that it's astonishing. The album is filled with instrumental chapters that sound like nothing I've ever heard. The Symphonic elements on this album are also really original and keep with the effect of the instrumental chapters but with a different sound to it.

It's really apparent that this band has gone long out of their way to create an incredibly original album and sound. They incorporate melodies that sound like they come from another plane of existence. I really can't describe the ride of imagination that this album takes it's listeners on. Complete with artwork that gives your mind an image of what you are listening to. I really can't describe this album in words. This is the definite must-listen album of 2008!!!

Bottom line is that this album blew me away to this aforementioned plane of existence.

Prepare to get blown away with MediaFire!

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