Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Malak - Malak EP (2010)

Malak is a band from Florida. Their music is very hard to classify but I think I'm going to call it.... Technical Progressive Death Metal because in fact it's very technical but also very progressive.

This album has one of the coolest intros I have ever heard. It really gets my attention when I listen to this. The album sounds very professional, like their a very experienced band. That is great given that this is their first release.

I guess Malak borders on Deathcore sometimes but I really don't want to think of them in those terms. They have breakdowns and a few other Deathcore symptoms but given that I like Deathcore a fair amount though the genre has really run it's course. People tend to forget that it's the really generic ones that seem to stand out while the good ones are forgotten, at least in Deathcore.

You should definitely check them out on MediaFire


  1. lololol maður segjir Malak IS

  2. Var einmitt að pæla í þessu hvort að þetta væri ein heild eða hvort maður ætti að tala um þetta sem hóp af fólki.

  3. Það er ekki ritað í stein hvort þú talar um hljómsveit sem hóp eða einingu, Anonymous er bara að vera wiseass :*
