Friday, April 1, 2011

Rise And Fall - Our Circle is Vicious (2009)

Wow, I can't believe that i'm writing here again. It's been so long (the last post in late January). But here I am , and after a long time struggling to find the energy to write I have finally started. The thing is... I used to post here so frequently that I sort of lost interest. But not all is lost and this time I give you Belgium's Rise And Fall.

Rise And Fall are an intense Hardcore band and are signed to one of my favorite labels, Deathwish. They incorporate a lot of bleak melodies that build the songs in chordal context. This album makes for a really good listen and is best enjoyed in it's entirety. I always find it great when the faster, more intense bands have a really good sense of melody and the more original the melodies get, the more I seem to like their style. It really gives them "their sound".

The album sounds really good, and every member seems to cut through. This and the really good songwriting makes this album one of my favorite more recent Hardcore albums.

I thoroughly recommend this album and I hope you, the readers can help me build this site up. We are always looking for good writers and you can contact me through this site if you want to write on this blog.
